Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Vegas Adventure!

OK… We did our big Walgreen’s trip to Vegas on Saturday. It was AMAZING! It was Lydia, Nancy, Christine, Paula and me as we headed out on the adventure. And what an adventure it turned out to be. We left St George about 10 am and didn’t get back until 2:00 am Sunday. To be honest, I am not sure how many Walgreen’s we went to in Vegas… maybe 4 or 5? But there were A LOT of products to be purchased by 5 crazy coupon women. It was a shopping frenzy. Of course going with three pregnant women did allow for food breaks and we did that big time as well! We did a whole group test run in Mesquite. We could not say anything but good about the manager and cashiers we had there. Since it was the first store for the group we did run into a few glitches like which cold medicine produced the catalinas and why some coupons were difficult to scan…. (sorry, Mesquite for using the Canadian coupons!) but overall, everyone was catching on and we had a great first haul. None of us should be having to pay full price on cleaning products or cold medicine for a VERY LONG time!

Once we got to Las Vegas it was time to eat again. We had on a previous adventure wanted to try out an Indian restraint downtown, but the gps had gotten us lost so this time I knew where to go. If you ever want to go to an Indian buffet this is the place: Gandhi India’s Cuisine on Paradise. We wished we could have stayed there longer, but there was shopping to be done! We shopped til we dropped stopping only long enough for drinks and snacks we brought from home until 10 PM when we had to finally take another food break. This time it was The Pizza Caffe on Eastern. What great food they had. Definitely a place to put on your list of places to go. It had terrific food, great décor and a cute older Italian man who served us pizza and gelato. We planned to hit one more Walgreen’s on the way back home, but by the time we were ready to stop, some of the ladies were asleep and it was after midnight so the sale was over. I do not know the totals for the rest of the girls, but this is what I came home with:

10 Crest Pro Health mouthwash
15 Fantastik spray cleaner
12 Windex spray
2 Windex Wipes
4 Shout spray
6 Shout wipes
25 Tylenol cold/sinus medicines

4 Tylenol PM
8 Oreos
10 Glade oil warmers with oil
8 Glade oil refills
14 Oust
21 Pledge
4 Scrubbing Bubbles spray
3 Scrubbing Bubbles wipes
7 Glade odor eliminator spray (like Fabreeze)
9 Robitussin
3 Quattro razors
2 Quattro razor refills
2 calculators
40 Sharpie markers
2 boxes of 25 tagalong storage containers
2 boxes Walgreens storage containers
1 training pants
1 laundry detergent
4 post it cubes
TOTAL of 219 items!
Price….. $38.xx

Oh… did I mention that total was what I came out ahead??? THEY PAID ME $38 to take home all that stuff!!!!

Needless to say, I can’t wait for another sale like that! It was a fun time and my cabinets are full!

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