Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going overboard

I sometimes have to remind myself about this concept. It is really easy to go overboard if you get caught up in a deal. For example, I did this once with the Quaker Oats deal at Albertson’s. I got a ton of things free or pretty close to free. Oatmeal, breakfast bars, instant oatmeal, oatmeal to go… I had a ton of products on my shelf. Hello… what was I thinking? It was like pulling teeth to get my family to eat any of these items. There is no reason for me to buy this stuff, even if it is free if no one is going to eat it. Luckily, I gave it away to people who would use it. Each time the Quaker deal comes up, I have to remind myself of this.

Along this same topic is buying more than you could possibly use. If something has an expiration date, I try to decide how many of these items I can actually use before it would expire and buy accordingly. Buying something you will not use is not saving you money, so before going crazy on a deal, take a minute to think about it. If it is a money maker like some of the Walgreen’s deals, go ahead and buy the items, but make sure you give it away or donate it before it expires. I am doing this with all the Robitussin I got. There is no way my family and friends will use that much Robitussin, but if they are going to pay me $7 to take 3 of them out of the store, I am going to do it. I have a box of 30 Robitussin and 4 glucose monitors I am bringing to the free clinic in town.

As for non perishables, my belief is if it does not expire and it is free stock up…. IF YOU HAVE THE ROOM. (I added this for my husband, this is his only issue with my shopping addiction.) I have enough shampoo, deodorant, air fresheners and cleaning products to last quite awhile. Do I get funny looks when I am buying multiples of items? Sometimes, but I just smile kowing how much I am saving.

Last week I had a friend call me about some expiring coupons she had. They were for FREE dog food. She was not feeling well and wanted me to help her daughter use the coupons. I met her at the store and we got 130 cans of dog food for tax only. Her dog will be eating for free for quite some time and her daughter learned about using coupons, it was a good day!

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